I'm sure word has reached most of you already, but last night You Are Here Festival managed to have what was probably the most exciting program launch that has ever taken place.
Canberra finally got to see the mysterious Mr B and his accomplice X in the flesh, the latter stamping people's programs to confirm their acceptability, and the former sharing a beer with members of the audience before opening the launch with what probably would have been a very illuminating speech.
I say probably because moments into the speech two costumed hecklers in the front row revealed themselves to be none other than T-Bone and Mac and proceeded to storm the stage.
Any question of the upcoming conflict betweent he two arts scene heavyweights being a peaceful was was immediately thrown out the window as T-Bone's violent threats were countered by X pulling a gun on him.
Yes a GUN. A big one too.
Mac immediately leapt into action performing sort of advanced martial-arts manuver to disarm X, but before these two femme fatales could come to further blows Mac seemed to recognise X. I believe she called her Betty? I'll look into this.
T-Bone ordered a hasty retreat, but not before a third member of their team, the mysterious Bird leapt onto stage and stole a document from X.
Mr B seemed rather concerned at this, ordered X to give chase and then apologised to the audience before leaving himself. The poor You Are Here producers then went ahead with the launch, probably thankful not actual blood had been spilled on their stage.
Does this all sound too unbelievable?
Well fortunately for you I've managed to source some footage of the event.
Watch it now, I've got the feeling the BMOA are going to do their best to have this taken down.
So three things to take away from all this:
- Firstly: AWESOME!
- Secondly: What was that document? Why was it such a big deal? Was this whole scenario devised to help T-Bone or the Bird steal it? I'll be doing a bunch of research into this soon, stay tuned.
- Thirdly: Again with this Bird, who is she?
As always, I'll be there keeping you in the know.
Make sure you keep checking out the #artctrl hashtag on twitter.
For those of you on Facebook it seems this page here has started up to keep track of what's going on. Have a peek.
Current Mood: All shaken up!
Current Music: Meat Loaf - All Revved up with No Place to Go.