Saturday, 22 February 2014


Welcome back art lovers,

Our "Benevolent" Ministry of Art has posted an update on this Acceptable Art things they're gunning for.

Have a peek if you've yet to spot it.

There's not a huge amount of information there yet, but what is there is interesting. Apparently a public report was made on the findings of a survey into the effects of the acceptable art doctrines (WHERE WAS MY INVITE TO THE PRESS CONFERENCE BMOA?) highlights included an "Uptake in Voluntary Reduction in Theatre Production Edginess and a Diminishing Rate of Audience Tension during Musical and Poetical Performances."

It seems the BMOA are already claiming victory in this war, stating that the arts scene is already converting to their ideas on acceptable art. I wonder what T-Bone might have to say about this?

I note they didn't mention the recent controversy at the Fringe Festival surrounding the acceptability or non-acceptability of the Sass & Tease Collective's burlesque show there. Was that acceptable BMOA? Any comment there?

My favourite part of the article is this little gem:
"A Spokesperson who cannot be Named for Reasons of Security."

Really? This is the world we live in now? People commenting on arts legislation now need protection from reprisal? What kind of terrible dark cyberpunk-esque (ARTPUNK?) future do we find ourselves in?


Ladies and gentlemen this whole topic seems to be heating up and I will continue to keep you up to date with the latest info on the subject.

Follow me on Twitter: @theonescribe to keep up with the news.

Actually while you're at it following this @official_msx who is updating the BMOA site would probably be a reasonable idea too.

But mainly follow me, I mean I am your man on the scene.

Mood: Super excited.
Music: Bonnie Tyler - Holding out for a Hero.

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