Don't ask me how, because I certainly won't tell, but I've managed to get a copy of the document the Bird stole from X and Mr B at the You Are Here launch!

If you're having trouble reading it, I've copied out the text for you, bizarre capitalisations and all:
It was in the dreaming, not the dreaming, the other dreaming. The dreaming dreamt by rogues, rascalS and railwaymen, the dreams dreamt by surveyors, purveyors and mayors. The dreams dReamt by the underfolk when they are tired past carin’ and the dreAms dreamt by highfolk when the night is quiet and they think no onE is looking.
From this dreaming, this sputum of hoPes gone to dust and ideas that fell into empty pockets it came forth, a gift to the peoPle, a tool for imagining better days. At first it shone with a fevered light from under the LAke which was not there yet, so they called it ‘The Light in the Lake’. Those wise woman and men that knew of it became impaTient with the not there yet lake and took the light up upon the Hill. Alas the Hill was not quite all there so it lay barely used, languid and underpowered like a Datsun 120Y making its way up BlaCk Mountain.
Before the Limestone Plains becAme the Canberra, it already inspired tongues and maniFestos. It whispered the battle plans to James Ainslie while he and his sheep re-enacted the Battle of Waterloo. It was there keeping the surveyor Scrivner inch perfect. It soaked up the convIct cries and listened to the Ngunnawal mob as they sung their histories and talked about how the land had been before the white boTher bums came looking for a place to paRk their sheep. It is said it even planted itself in a hat that whispered all manner of inflammatory comments into King O’Malley’s eAr.
Later, maybe in an ink jar or maybe up one of Burley Griffin’s sleeves it whispEred and sang secret symbols into streets, mysteries into motorways, topograpHy into towns. It could see its long journey ahead, the direction, but never the route. It has wandered through our mystery history shaping great works when it could and keeping the creaTive pulse alive when it had to.
Alrighty, so that's weird. Anyone able to make sense of it? Jump into the discussion of the Facebook page.
The real question here, is why is this so valuable? What is this "gift to the people" that the document speaks of?
If such an object does exist, and this is its actual history, then that could explain why the Bird was willing to stage down the gun wielding X in order to get her hands on this piece of paper?
I'm starting to feel that there's more to this art war than we've been lead to believe.
As for the document, there's more to this than meets the eye. It very much seems to me like a smaller part of a bigger whole... I'll keep digging.
Also is it just me or do those "typos" look a bit too intentional?
Mystery fans, puzzle fans, and umm... strange document fans, time to step up to the plate. What is going on here?
Current Mood: Intrigued.
Current Music: Peter Andre - Mysterious Girl.
it makes my brain hurt - i'm getting flashbacks...manchuria....
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty mysterious! I reckon those capitals in the middle of words are definitely the place to start. They stand out way too much to be an accident.