Saturday, 15 March 2014

Poor rich kids exposed to dangerous artistic element at concert!

Last night at the Ainslie Place Stage of the Free Music for Rich Kids music festival several privileged children popped their monocles in surprise as rogue artists T-Bone, Mac, and the Bird stormed the stage as a part of a ruse to steal another piece of the document.

After distracting the audience with a show of her secret bird dancing powers while T-Bone and Mac nabbed the document, the Bird later seems to have betrayed T-Bone and delivered the second part of the document into the hands of the public. Audience members could challenge the Bird to a game of the You Are Here Card game in return for a copy of the document.

Of course, I've managed to get my hands on the words contained within, so here they are:

Part 2 (The Roaring Years)

It was the early days of the CanbErra, a Prince of Whales laid a rock, the grass grEw and the sheep knew change was in the aiR. The Artifact watched the workmen come, it listened to their songs, watcHed their fights, slights and miseries. It continued to torment King O’Malley, a habiTus occurrence for which there is no expLanation nor clarification. It’s said somewhere that it once spat in his eye, why it enjoyed his ire we’ll never know.

About this time the records do show that from Melbourne town a bountiful burEaucracy of birds came to Canberra town to gaTher and hoot and count the government’S loot. They checked and collected, they initiated and debated, the long grey sleeve of order was here to put the Federation in good order. And all the while in the brand new Old Parliament House the Artifact absorbed the ambitions and petty cOntrition’s of a new wave of politicians.

Alas, just the like the benign rhyme we leave beHind, those peaceful days went bye. War broke out in somewHere else land and men went where only some came back. Meanwhile the mis-in-fortuned who spoke the tongue of the Hun were bailed up, banged up and set to a camp to hold up in Canberra town. This is when some say the ArtifaCt went walkabout to Sydney town to lose itself and forget how the war went down.

Many suggest it wasn’t long befOre it came back to Canberra town with a headful of big city sounds. Others say it never left and was seen holDing place on a shelf in a pub that was not far from any place. Some wags say they even saw it pull a beer once or twice, howeveR that is politely unlikely. They say without its time in this pUb lace we’d never have had the pub rock scene in a not so distant time and place. Regardless of which arguMent has the best case we know it ended up here ensuring people had a creative space.

The tale continues it seems. I wonder how many fragments of this document exist?

The capitals are all wonky again, is there a hidden meaning here too?

My fears (well maybe not fears, I may have been a little exited about it) that the violence of T-Bone and Mr B's conflict would impact on the festival have been confirmed, but thankfully no blood has been spilled yet.

Meanwhile the mysteries around are growing, and the You Are Here staff seem to be holding more answers than they are letting on. If you get the chance, try asking any member of the You Are Here team wearing one of these bird badges for a clue...

I won't lie to you readers, the betrayal by the bird has me both confused and concerned, I hope she knows what she's doing, but the choice to share the information with the public is exactly what I'd like to see done with it.

But she's making some dangerous enemies...

I'll keep reporting what's going on here, you keep working out what this all means here, and keep up with the players in this game here.

Look after yourselves, and have a rad You Are Here guys.

Current Mood: Concerned.
Current Music: Frente! - Accidentally Kelly Street.

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