The You Are Here festival starts today and I have poked my nosey-beak into the Hub to investigate.
It's beautiful and warm and assembling itself around me and this is how a You Are Here starts.
I hope you've already combed the program for the events you're interested in.
(Looking for a hot hint? Try hitting up Free Music for Rich Kids this Friday night! Ainslie Place stage from 9, BE THERE! I'VE HEARD THINGS! *WINK*)
The hunt for meaning with the document and the "Artifact" continues, and the arts war is becoming more and more aggressive.
For those keeping score, the ANU Art School, the Canberra Musicians Club, and The Street Theatre have all been claimed as territory by T-Bone. It sounds pretty impressive (and T-Bone has been confident enough to post an especially crazy anecdote) when listed like that, and it is impressive, but don't forget that the rest of Canberra, including the You Are Here festival itself is still Mr B's domain. Also of note is the positions of the great Guilds of Art (Music, Theatre and Writing) who have all declared independence of the conflict.
Of course individual artists have their own loyalties despite the choices of their representative guilds, local visual artist Paul Summerfield recently declared his allegiance to Mr B and the BMOA for example, and Duncan Felton has sided with T-Bone. Incidentally both sides have launched Twibbon campaigns, so you can publicly declare your allegiance, should you feel inclined.
It appears the BMOA are slowly but surely losing ground, will this inspire an escalation in their efforts to shut T-Bone down? On the subject of BMOA, have you tried the Acceptable Art Quiz yet? A bug seems to have crept in whereby if you hit 'retake the test' you'll see the correct answers! Intriguing - wonder how long it'll be before the BMOA plugs that hole!
T-Bone, Mac, and the Bird seem to be gearing up for another assault on the BMOA, and while the motivations of T-Bone and Mac are discerned easily enough, the Bird's gols are a bit harder to work out. What on Earth is she up to?
Earlier today the Bird referred to today as the "eve of #TheArtifact"on her Twitter account. Can we assume more information on the Artifact will be forthcoming tomorrow?
Everything is quiet here in the You Are Here Hub, it kind of feels like the calm before the storm... You should probably come down and enjoy the peace and quiet before all hell breaks lose.
Once all hell breaks lose you should come back and enjoy that too.
Super excited.
Again keep your eyes on the #artctrl hashtag and keep checking out the Facebook group where people are trying to solve the mysteries surrounding the artifact.
Current Mood: My body is ready.
Current Music: Backstreet Boys - Backstreet's Back
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