The Document: The Final Part
Part 5 (The Twenty First Century start)
The Twenty First Century swing came in to do its thing. The wires humMed and internet buzzed, was the Artifact here or was it there? The arts continued to roll over bulldOzer, with everybOdy doing their own thing. Winter is harsh in the CanbeRra and the summer can be a bastard of a thing. In the early days of the new TwEnty One thing a massive fire came out of the south like Hell’s big fiery mouth. Relentless and ruthless like a psyCho killer in a midnight thriller taking house and home, people and animal, bush and plain. If you ask the firies down by Rivers way they’ll tell you the ArtifAct was there that day.
Scorched but steady it emerged from the smoke a little huffy and a little puffy, no one knew how it survived the fire in Duffy. The Canberra’s history now oLd enough to have a little mystery made appearance in the charts but nobody could dance to it. Listening and layering was what the Artifact did best so it soaked the city sounds and whisPered its secrets in a thousand ears. These have been good times and it has grown round and fat and full of tEats.
But wiser than woRds and wilier than the wily thing down by Coppins Crossing, it sensed a change in the wInd and went to ground like a politician caught with his pants down and someone else’s credit card. Some say it’s down by the UnconFormity, some say it’s up at the Arboretum. Others say its taken up with the Galahs once again. A bikie saw it filling up by Eagle Hawk Rest. A trucky said he saw it hitchin’ further down by Pheasants Nest - have you ever stopped to notice the involvement of birds in this great big mess? Well it’s here somewhere on that you can rest but where exactly it is, is anyone’s guess.
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